FTG: “The Crucifixion” (Part I, 07.01.12)

Scripture: Matthew 27:26-66

Big Idea: God the Father rescues and accepts us through Jesus’ death on the cross.

Topic: What does this passage teach me about God?

How Do I Tell the Story?

The purpose of this post is to help teach your child the overall big picture of the crucifixion. The next post will focus more on the details of what happened. In light of this, don’t feel you must go into great depth. Also, you as the parent need to decide how much is appropriate to share about the crucifixion details given the development, understanding, and emotional maturity of your child.

In this this discussion, we will focus on the general ways in which Jesus suffers and on what Jesus’ death accomplishes.

Explain that Jesus suffered in many different ways. He was mocked (mocked = being made fun of), shamed (shamed = embarrassed), abandoned (abandoned = left all alone), and killed by crucifixion on the cross. If your child is able to understand, read them the following verses to show examples of each.

Mocked – vs. 41 & 42

Shamed – vs. 28-30

Abandoned – vs. 46

Killed by crucifixion on the cross- vs. 50

Now read vs. 51-54. Highlight how amazing the things that happen in these verses are, such as an earthquake and people rising from the dead. Now explain that the most important thing is actually the temple curtain being torn in two. Tell your children that the curtain was what separated the people from the most holy place in the temple where God’s presence dwelled. We have talked about how our sin separates us from God. We cannot have a relationship with Him because He is perfect and we are not. However, Jesus’ death on the cross changes all that. He takes the punishment for our sin. We receive forgiveness. It is now possible for us to have a relationship with God. The curtain being torn in two shows that we no longer have to be separated from God if we believe and trust in Jesus’ death and resurrection!

Possible Illustration: You could illustrate this with a piece of paper. Place two figures or toys on either side of the paper when you are explaining how the curtain separated God from His people. Then, rip it in two to illustrate what Jesus’ death accomplishes.

What Questions Should I Ask?

Explain: We are in trouble. Our sin has made it impossible for us to have a relationship with God. Also, we deserve to be punished for our sin. We deserve to die and spend an eternity apart from God. However, God doesn’t want things to stay this way. He did something to rescue us!

Ask: What did God do to rescue us?

Answer: God the Father sent His Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for our sin by suffering and dying on the cross. Jesus allowed himself to be punished for our sin by suffering and dying on the cross. Because they did this, we can be rescued from our sin and we can have a relationship with God.

What Should My Child Believe About God?

God is active. He cares about us, and wants to rescue us. He does not choose to let all people remain separated from Him. Instead, He acts. He does what we cannot do for ourselves. He provides a way for us to receive forgiveness for our sins. He provides a way for us to be His children. And He provides a way for us to live with Him forever.

2 thoughts on “FTG: “The Crucifixion” (Part I, 07.01.12)

    • Sorry, just saw that your comment was still pending.

      To answer your question… You know, it was so long ago that I’m not sure anymore. It either came with the materials we used for this lesson, or I found it for free on some stock photos website.

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