“Jesus was baptized” (09.01.14)

Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 8.41.27 AMScripture: Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:1-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:19-34

Key Passage: John 1:14


Big Picture Question: Who baptized Jesus? John baptized Jesus.

Christ Connection: Jesus never did anything wrong, but He was baptized like sinners are baptized. Baptism reminds us that Jesus died and came back to life. People who know and love Jesus should be baptized too.


Big Picture Question: What does Jesus’ baptism remind us of? Jesus’ baptism reminds us of His death and resurrection.

Christ Connection: Jesus never sinned, but He was baptized like sinners are baptized. Baptism reminds us of Jesus’ death and resurrection. It reminds us that when we trust in Jesus, we turn from sin and start a new life—a life lived for Jesus.

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“Jesus at the temple” (08.24.14)

Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 3.13.25 PMScripture: Luke 2:41-52

Key Passage: John 1:14


Big Picture Question: Why did Jesus go to the temple? Jesus went to the temple to worship God. Christ Connection: Jesus went to the temple to worship God. Jesus is God’s Son. He taught people about God. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose from the dead so that we can worship God too.


Big Picture Question: Why was Jesus’ visit to the temple important? Jesus showed that He is God’s Son and that He came to do God’s will.

Christ Connection: Jesus went to the temple to worship. He is God’s Son, and He came to do God’s work. Jesus taught people, suffered, died on the cross for our sins, and rose form the dead so that we too can worship God.

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“Jesus was dedicated” (08.17.14)

Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 3.13.14 PMScripture: Luke 2:21-40

Key Passage: John 1:14


Big Picture Question: Why were Simeon and Anna waiting? Simeon and Anna were waiting for God to send Jesus.

Christ Connection: God had promised His people that a Savior was coming. When Simeon and Anna saw Jesus, they knew He was the Savior. Jesus came to save people from sin. We can trust Jesus to save us from our sin, and like Simeon and Anna, we should tell others the good news.


Big Picture Question: Why were Simeon and Anna waiting? Simeon and Anna were waiting for God to keep His promise to send Jesus to save them from their sins.

Christ Connection: Throughout the Old Testament, God promised the arrival of a king who would redeem God’s people. When Jesus arrived, Simeon and Anna knew He was the promised Messiah. Today, we have faith that Jesus is God’s Son. We can trust Jesus for our salvation, and like Simeon and Anna, we should share the good news.

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“Jesus was born” (08.10.14)

Screen Shot 2014-08-22 at 3.13.02 PMScripture: Luke 2:1-20

Key Passage: John 1:14


Big Picture Question: Where was Jesus born? Jesus was born in Bethlehem as God promised.

Christ Connection: Jesus was born! This was very good news! Jesus was not like other babies. He is God’s Son. God sent Jesus to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins. Jesus came to be their King.


Big Picture Question: Why was Jesus born? Jesus was born to be God’s promised Savior.

Christ Connection: The birth of Jesus was good news! Jesus was not an ordinary baby. He is God’s Son, sent to earth from heaven. Jesus came into the world to save people from their sins and to be their King.

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“John Was Born” (08.03.14)

Screen Shot 2014-08-05 at 10.36.48 PMScripture: Luke 1:57-80

Key Passage: Luke 1:76


Big Picture Question: Why was John the Baptist special? John the Baptist told people about Jesus.

Christ Connection: Long ago, God’s prophets said, “One day Jesus will come.” Finally a prophet named John said, “Jesus is almost here!” John the Baptist told people to get ready for Jesus. He said Jesus was coming to be King over the whole world.


Big Picture Question: What role did John the Baptist have in God’s plan? John the Baptist told people to get ready for Jesus, the coming Messiah.

Christ Connection: A long time before Jesus was born, prophets said that Jesus would come. The prophets also said another man would come first to say, “Jesus is almost here!” John the Baptist told people to turn away from their sins because Jesus was coming to be King over the whole world.

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“Mary Visited Elizabeth” (07.27.14)

Screen Shot 2014-08-05 at 10.36.39 PMScripture: Luke 1:39-56

Key Passage: Luke 1:76


Big Picture Question: Why did Elizabeth’s baby leap in her belly? Elizabeth’s baby was happy because of Jesus.

Christ Connection: God kept His promise to send a Savior. This was good news! Before Jesus was born, people sang songs and thanked God for His Son. Mary and Elizabeth worshiped God because of Jesus.


Big Picture Question: What was special about Mary’s baby? Jesus is God’s Son.

Christ Connection: God kept His promise to Abraham and his descendants. The coming of the promised Savior was good news! Before Jesus was born, people rejoiced and praised God for His Son. Mary and Elizabeth worshiped God because of Jesus.

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“John’s Birth was Predicted” (07.20.14)

Screen Shot 2014-08-05 at 10.36.32 PMScripture: Luke 1:5-25

Key Passage: Luke 1:76


Big Picture Question: Who announced John’s birth? An angel said that John would be born.

Christ Connection: God gave John a special job: to tell people that His Son, Jesus, was coming! John told the people what God said, and he told them to get ready to meet Jesus.


Big Picture Question: Who announced John’s birth? The angel Gabriel told Zechariah that he would have a

Christ Connection: God sent John to be the last prophet before Jesus. John would tell people about the coming Savior. John’s job was to remind the people what God had said in the past and to get the people ready to meet Jesus.

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“The Geneology of Christ” (07.13.14)

Screen Shot 2014-07-15 at 1.32.12 PMScripture: Matthew 1:1-17; Luke 3:23-38

Key Passage: Luke 1:76


Big Picture Question: Who is Jesus? Jesus is God’s Son.
Christ Connection: Jesus came to earth and was born as a baby. Jesus’ parents on earth were Mary and Joseph. Jesus is God’s Son. He came to rescue people from their sins.


Big Picture Question: How is Jesus different from any other man? Jesus is fully God and fully man.

Christ Connection: Jesus came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem. Jesus had earthly parents, Mary and Joseph, but His true Father is God. Jesus was still God the Son when He came to earth, but He also took on the form of a man. Jesus was born to save people from their sins.

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“Malachi the Prophet” (07.06.14)

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 11.01.55 PMScripture: Obadiah 1-21

Key Passage: Malachi 4:2


Big Picture Question: Why does God keep His promises? God is faithful, and He loves us.

Christ Connection: Malachi was a messenger for God. He said another messenger was coming. That messenger was John the Baptist. John’s job was to get people ready for the last Messenger, Jesus! Jesus is God’s Son. He came to rescue people from sin.


Big Picture Question: Why does God keep His promises? God is faithful, and He loves us.

Christ Connection: Malachi was a messenger—a prophet—who told God’s people to repent. Malachi also told about another messenger God would send. This messenger, John the Baptist, would call people to repent and get them ready for a final Messenger, Jesus Christ. Jesus would bring good news of salvation.

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“Ezra Read the Law” (06.30.14)

Screen Shot 2014-07-07 at 11.01.47 PMScripture: Nehemiah 8:1-12

Key Passage: Malachi 4:2


Big Picture Question: What did God’s Word teach the people? God’s Word helped them know the right things to do.

Christ Connection: The Bible teaches us about God and Jesus. It helps us know the right things to do. We do wrong things a lot, but when we know and love Jesus, He helps us say no to sin. Jesus died to rescue us from sin.


Big Picture Question: Why did Ezra read God’s Word? God’s Word helped people know how to obey God so they could be holy.

Christ Connection: God’s Word is powerful. When Ezra read God’s Word, the people changed their ways and loved God more. The Bible says that Jesus is “the Word.” Jesus is God who came to live with people on earth. Jesus has the power to change our hearts.

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